


雖然Winter Soldier出場的那幾場戲已經反覆重看又重看,甚至已鍛鍊出能在他蒙了面或只有背影的情況下辨認出是替身還是Seb的金睛火眼,但這次還是看得很投入。(btw,有興趣練金睛火眼的話,這篇How to spot Sebastian Stan from his stunt double?是相當有用的秘笈!)



由於是第二次看,比第一次看時冷靜多了(雖然看到Iron Man每當怒火中燒便要拿別人出氣時還是有點看不過眼)。而且重看了美隊2後再看美隊3,便會對Steve的理念更加了解(美隊3裡著墨不多實在可惜)。Steve在美隊2中不只一次強調「freedom」,Nick Fury向他展示可以全天候監察人民並在恐怖份子行動前把他們擊斃的航母時,Steve說:「By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection.」,Nick反指Steve當年做的也不見得全是好事,Steve於是說:「Yeah, we compromised. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it so the people could be free. This (指航母) isn't freedom, this is fear.」後來Steve發現神盾局被九頭蛇入侵,呼籲神盾局職員阻止航母升空時也提到freedom:「I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.」

再看美隊3,Tony嘗試說服Steve簽署Sokovia Accords時以自己的往事作例:「When I realized my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down; stop manufacturing.」,然後Steve說:「Tony. You CHOSE to do that. If we sign this, we surrender our right to CHOOSE. What if this Panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go? What if there's somewhere we need to go and they don't let us? We may not be perfect but the safest sands are still our own.」。很多沒弄清楚劇情的人都誤以為Steve是為了Bucky才拒絕簽署,但對「freedom」和「right to choose」的重視才是主因吧。(其實他在片中一度為了保住Bucky的性命而動搖,差點便答應簽了,所以Bucky不是他不簽的原因)




但我喜歡的是Winter Soldier,可以插紅星旗嗎?(店員: ...)

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